Community Activities and
During the year, Sundance continued its program
of proactive engagement with the local community.
This engagement and the information obtained will be
critical in the future engagement of local enterprises on
the Project to meet commitments made to maximise
the use of local businesses and labour.
Regional support to local communities in Cameroon
and the Republic of Congo has also continued
throughout the year in key areas including: road
and bridge construction and maintenance; medical
support; Mbalam village lighting program; support
for World Environment Day, International Women’s
Day; Youth Day, water well repair and maintenance,
medical awareness counselling, provision of school
furniture, community road hazard awareness meetings
and training and supporting recreational activities and
traditional celebrations in local communities.
During the year, Cam Iron continued its partnership
with Ape Action Africa, a not-for-profit organisation
supporting the Mefou National Park near Yaounde,
Cameroon. Ape Action Africa is committed to ape
conservation in Africa - protecting Cameroon’s
great apes through direct action, including rescuing
orphaned gorillas, chimpanzees and monkeys and
providing a safe forest sanctuary home where they
can live with their own species.
Water well drilled by
Sundance for local
community use
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